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  1. One girl ';subjected to rape, prostitution and sexual... Daily Mail Online

    Girl aged just 13 was ';raped, forced into prostitution and sexual activity by 24 men over two years'; in Bradford, police probing historic grooming allegations claim.

  2. Paris Hilton claims she was sexually abused at Utah... Daily Mail Online

    She said: ';Very late at night – this would be around three or four in the morning – they would take myself and other girls into this room, and they would perform medical exams. ';This wasn';t even with a doctor. It was with a couple different staff members, where they would have us lay on the table and put their...

  3. Emma Roberts ';is dating actor Cody John'; Daily Mail Online

    Gabby Logan opens up on suffering from a borderline eating disorder as a young gymnast and the impact of her father';s alcoholism.

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